Tips To Help You Reduce Anxiety And Cope With The Fact That Your Child Will Soon Be Attending College Out Of Town
If you suffer from anxiety and are having trouble dealing with the fact that your child will soon be attending college out of town and you won't see them every day any longer, try the following tips to help you cope and feel more at ease about the situation.
Take Natural Supplements
A variety of herbs are used to create supplements that have been known to reduce anxiety and support calmness. Natural supplements are non-addictive and will not produce any negative side effects. If you are unsure of which type of supplement to purchase, research each one and read reviews from people who have tried them.
Valerian root, kava root, lavender, and lemon balm are some herbs that are commonly used to treat anxiety. Herbal supplements are inexpensive and can be purchased online from a company like Gesundheit Health or in retail shops worldwide, making it convenient to try several varieties until you find one that works well for you.
Share A Communication Book
Purchase a journal or notebook to be used to communicate back and forth with your child. Write about your fondest memories, hopes, and plans for the future. Add pictures to the book that depict some enjoyable moments from the past. Give the book to your child on the day that they leave for college. They will appreciate the thoughtfulness and candid thoughts that you have added to the book.
Encourage your child to write in the book and either mail it to you or bring it with them during their next visit. Whenever you are feeling anxious, due to missing your child, you can either write in the book or read entries that your child has added to help you focus on positive thoughts that may help you feel more at ease.
Work Towards A Reward That You Both Can Share
Think of a reward that both you and your child will enjoy. A tropical vacation, camping trip, barbecue party, or shopping extravaganza are some ideas that you may want to consider. Save money towards the reward and work on planning each part of the event that you will be sharing with your child. Once your child passes a semester of college and is going to have some extra time on their hands, present them with the reward.
If you and your child have a great time together, plan a special occasion for both of you to share after each semester. Focusing on a positive event may help you remain at peace while your child is away. Working on a project will take your mind off of worries and will help you remain productive when you have no other obligations to handle.